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EMDR & Anxiety

Solutions If You Can’t Get To Sleep When Up Early The Next Day (Exams, Work etc)?
This is an extremely frustrating problem for those of us who have stressful jobs, or shift based jobs where we are finishing late and starting early in different patterns, or else we have something else important on the next day (exams, assessments, job interviews,...
EMDR is Not Working for You? Here are the Possible Reasons
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic and transforming journey that assists you in reconnecting with the completeness and wholeness of who you are. It removes the toxic imprint and reveals the core of who you are, and also allows you to...
Stress & Trauma
Targeting Negative Cognitions with EMDR and A Short List of Examples
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) treatment is particularly beneficial for people struggling with traumatic memories or who have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). The therapy identifies a target image and a negative cognition as part of the...
What is EMDR Nightmare Protocol and How Does It Work?
To different people, trauma may signify different things. It is possible that the horrific incidents you went through were not the same as the ones we see on television. Trauma is best characterized as something life-changing or terrible at the time it occurred and...
News & Updates
Do You Talk During EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, can appear to be a very unusual form of therapy when people are first introduced to it. The idea that eye movements can help process uncomfortable memories can seem very strange for those of us who believe the...
Stress, Addiction & Meditation – What’s The Connection?
Whilst there are often many different contributors towards addiction, it is fair to say that stress is one of the main driving causes, since it has predictable effects on the mind and brain. What is the connection between stress and addiction and are there any ways to...
Top 6 Reasons You Should Practice Mindfulness (In Detail)
In this article we want to gather together a collection of all the possible benefits regular practice of mindfulness meditation can bring. We have sought to include less obvious benefits as well as the more commonly mentioned ones. When we begin to see all the...
Top Tips If Mindfulness Doesn’t Work For Anxiety
We have detailed elsewhere on this site that mindfulness can be an excellent tool for all sorts of mental conditions, including anxiety. But what if you suffer from anxiety, are practicing mindfulness to try and help with it, and yet are not finding it very effective?...
Mindfulness For Overthinking
Many of us can often get into a state of overthinking about a problem, or just life in general. Our mind can end up going round and round in circles, yet we seem to be getting no closer to any kind of clarity or solution and our anxieties and worries only seem to be...
The Buddhist View on Addiction (Multiple Perspectives)
There are many different perspectives on addiction from both the secular and religious worldviews, and each of them has a different take on the subject. But what about the Buddhist perspective on addiction? Western readers may not be so familiar with this line of...