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EMDR & Anxiety

Can EMDR Be Done Virtually Through a Tool?
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing) therapy has been shown to benefit those suffering from trauma. Developed by respected psychologist Francine Shapiro, it’s a well-documented procedure that has been scientifically proven to be effective. ...
Dangers of EMDR Therapy: Can EMDR Therapy Be Harmful?
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a well-known therapy in the world of psychology. It was originally designed for those who have undergone trauma and were suffering from classic PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) symptoms. Over time, the...
Stress & Trauma
Dangers of EMDR Therapy: Can EMDR Therapy Be Harmful?
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a well-known therapy in the world of psychology. It was originally designed for those who have undergone trauma and were suffering from classic PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) symptoms. Over time, the...
EMDR Paddles / Pulsers Or Buzzers. Where Can You Get them?
There are only a few valid options out there for EMDR paddles and buzzers. Many brands use different terms for these devices, which can make things confusing for therapists and clients alike. The common terms are tappers, paddles, buzzers, and pulsators. These all...
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BetterHelp is a popular portal for virtually accessing thousands of qualified mental health therapists on your schedule. EMDR Healing readers can save 15% on BetterHelp with our exclusive promo code.
EMDR Therapist Near Me? – How to Find A Qualified EMDR Therapist
Finding a therapist who’s right for you is a vital part of the healing process. Because qualified EMDR practitioners are not nearly as common as traditional psychotherapists, it may take more effort to locate a suitable professional. That being said, it still is...
EMDR Therapy for Depression – Does It Work?
Depression is an increasingly common illness in the Western world, with millions of sufferers in the US alone. We have already covered how EMDR can help with other conditions like anxiety, addiction and phobias, but can it also help with depression? How EMDR Can Help...
Our Honest Review on the Website VirtualEMDR.com. Is It For You?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR has helped many people overcome their mental disorders, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Now, there are virtual tools as well that allow people to self-administer the therapy. VirtualEMDR.com is...
EMDR Therapy for OCD – Does It Work?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world. The symptoms take a toll not only on the sufferers, but impact those surrounding them as well. While different therapeutic modalities have been used to...
How To Self Administer EMDR Therapy From Home
As a BetterHelp affiliate we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided. EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic modality designed to decrease and potentially eliminate negative emotional...
The 8 Phases of EMDR Explained
A lot has been said about Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as an effective treatment for trauma, but how does EMDR actually work in practice? How is the therapy delivered and what are the mechanics of an EMDR therapy session? The EMDR process is...
Can EMDR Help With Anxiety?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Treatment For Anxiety Almost 10% of study participants exhibited symptoms of mild anxiety in 2019. To find some sort of relief, anxiety patients try numerous treatment methods with various degrees of success. EMDR...
How Does An EMDR Therapy Online Session Work?
When faced with traumatic experiences it can be hard to move on from them. You may have tried to forget about what occurred or suppress your emotions at first. But you must process your tough memories and feelings in order to actually feel better. One of the most...
EMDR vs Mindfulness Meditation (Complete Comparison)
EMDR and mindfulness are two practices which are growing in popularity as ways of letting go of past traumas and finding some sense of internal calm and peace. Just how closely related are they though in terms of how they work and their effectiveness? EMDR and...
Solutions If You Can’t Get To Sleep When Up Early The Next Day (Exams, Work etc)?
This is an extremely frustrating problem for those of us who have stressful jobs, or shift based jobs where we are finishing late and starting early in different patterns, or else we have something else important on the next day (exams, assessments, job interviews,...
What Kind of Experiences Can EMDR Work With?
We have already covered extensively on this blog how powerful and effective EMDR can be, but some people new to the subject may want a quick overview of just what kind of experiences EMDR can actually be effective working with? What exactly can EMDR work with in this...
How Long Does EMDR Take To Work?
People interested in EMDR will want to know about how the process works, but also how long it will take to deliver results. Is there a timescale for both how long EMDR sessions last, and also how long one should expect to wait to see some results? Typically, EMDR...
Can EMDR Bring Up Repressed Memories?
As a BetterHelp affiliate we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided. People thinking about seeking out EMDR therapy may wonder whether it has the potential to bring up repressed memories, which may elicit fear in some...
Can EMDR Make You Feel Worse?
Some people thinking of embarking on EMDR treatment may be reticent at digging back into past trauma, wondering whether this may actually re-traumatize them and make them worse. Is there any truth to this? Is there any need to be afraid of EMDR therapy? The reality is...
Can EMDR Help With Addiction?
We have already covered how effective Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR can be in treating anxiety and phobias, but can EMDR be used to treat addiction as well? EMDR has been shown to be very effective in treating addiction, since it so often stems...
Is EMDR Really Effective?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR is becoming more and more popular as a form of treatment, but is it really effective or an overhyped form of therapy? The vast majority of research into the topic, as well as personal experience from therapists and...
Can EMDR Help With Phobias?
Phobias can be a another debilitating condition, where a person being exposed to, or even thinking about, certain things like spiders or flying can trigger a whole sequence of distressing mental states for them. Can EMDR help with this? EMDR can help resolve phobias,...
Comparing Two Types of Meditation – Samatha and Vipassana
People who start to delve a little more deeply into mindfulness will discover that different terms are used for different kinds of meditation. In this article we will focus specifically on Samatha and Vipassana meditations. What are these meditations, what is the...
Why Is EMDR So Effective? The Ripple Effect Explained
The effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR in treating trauma is now well known. There is also growing evidence it can treat other conditions like depression and anxiety as well. But what is it specifically about EMDR that makes it such...
BetterHelp Review 2024 – Is It As Good As Everyone Says?
We are reader funded which means EMDR Healing will receive a commission if you make a purchase using the links on this page. What Is BetterHelp? BetterHelp is an online mental health platform, meaning all mental health services through BetterHelp take place online....
Dangers of EMDR Therapy: Can EMDR Therapy Be Harmful?
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a well-known therapy in the world of psychology. It was originally designed for those who have undergone trauma and were suffering from classic PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) symptoms. Over time, the...
EMDR Paddles / Pulsers Or Buzzers. Where Can You Get them?
There are only a few valid options out there for EMDR paddles and buzzers. Many brands use different terms for these devices, which can make things confusing for therapists and clients alike. The common terms are tappers, paddles, buzzers, and pulsators. These all...
EMDR for Sexual Assault
Overview of Sexual Assault And Sexual Violence Sexual violence is when someone forces, coerces, or manipulates another person into sexual acts against their will. This can happen at any age and affects people of all races, genders, religions, incomes, and abilities. ...
EMDR for Eating Disorders
Overview of Eating Disorders Eating disorders are psychological conditions characterized by unhealthy eating habits that cause mental and physical distress. They affect at least 9% of the world’s population. The symptoms may involve an obsession over food, weight,...