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EMDR & Anxiety
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How to Develop a Safe Place For Your EMDR Session? Here are Some Script Examples
As one of the best therapies for trauma, depression, and anxiety, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can be highly effective in just a matter of weeks. However, there are some challenges that therapists must address. While EMDR relies on bilateral...
Stress & Trauma
Stress, Addiction & Meditation – What’s The Connection?
Whilst there are often many different contributors towards addiction, it is fair to say that stress is one of the main driving causes, since it has predictable effects on the mind and brain. What is the connection between stress and addiction and are there any ways to...
Different Ways of Dealing With Trauma
Trauma can be a debilitating thing to experience. Some people manage to get over it; others struggle and remain stuck in psychological limbo after suffering trauma , despite their very best intentions to move on. What ways are there for dealing with trauma? Many of...
News & Updates
Does Anxiety Serve a Purpose or Function?
Anxiety can be a really distressing and debilitating thing to experience, and can seem like only a bad thing when we are caught in the middle of it, but is there a deeper purpose or meaning behind anxiety? Can it ultimately serve a good purpose for us? The short...
Should I Meditate With Headphones On?
Many people either starting out or advancing with mindfulness meditation wonder whether they should be doing it with headphones or earplugs on. Is this the correct way to meditate? Can doing it with headphones on bring benefits? Meditating with headphones can be a...
Different Ways of Dealing With Trauma
Trauma can be a debilitating thing to experience. Some people manage to get over it; others struggle and remain stuck in psychological limbo after suffering trauma , despite their very best intentions to move on. What ways are there for dealing with trauma? Many of...
Top Tips If You Are Struggling To Beat Porn Addiction
The internet is now full of advice on understanding and beating addiction. So many people claim to have the answer as to why addictions form and how to beat them. The truth is that no one has the answer because there isn't one answer and everyone is different....
Top Tips For Beating FOBT Addiction
Fixed Odds Betting Terminals or FOBTs have generated a lot of publicity in the UK especially for the large amounts people can lose on them. They have proven to be very powerfully addictive for some people, who cannot stop playing them despite losing in some cases tens...
Why Does The Same Thing Keep Happening to Me?
This is a common pattern in some people's lives. Despite their best intentions, they find themselves repeating the same patterns over and over again in jobs, relationships or something else. They can see the cycle and the pattern but can't seem to break it. What...