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Top Tips If You Are Struggling To Beat Porn Addiction
The internet is now full of advice on understanding and beating addiction. So many people claim to have the answer as to why addictions form and how to beat them. The truth is that no one has the answer because there isn't one answer and everyone is different....
Top Tips For Beating FOBT Addiction
Fixed Odds Betting Terminals or FOBTs have generated a lot of publicity in the UK especially for the large amounts people can lose on them. They have proven to be very powerfully addictive for some people, who cannot stop playing them despite losing in some cases tens...
Why Does The Same Thing Keep Happening to Me?
This is a common pattern in some people's lives. Despite their best intentions, they find themselves repeating the same patterns over and over again in jobs, relationships or something else. They can see the cycle and the pattern but can't seem to break it. What...
How Sexual Obsessions & Fetishes Develop & How to Treat Them
As a BetterHelp affiliate we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided. Sexual and porn obsessions can be debilitating and shame inducing for people who know they have these fixations but still lack awareness of how they...
How To Deal With The Fight or Flight Response
The fight-flight response is something we are all aware of and were taught about in school. It can be very distressing to experience and take us away from the present moment, but what ways are there to actually treat the fight or flight response? There are lots of...
When You Can’t Get Over The Past Try These Options
What can we do if we can't seem to let go of the past? Some people seem to be able to move on from bad experiences very quickly; others struggle for years to "get over" unpleasant life experiences. How can we truly move on from the past? Sometimes talking about the...
Can EMDR Bring Up Repressed Memories?
As a BetterHelp affiliate we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided. People thinking about seeking out EMDR therapy may wonder whether it has the potential to bring up repressed memories, which may elicit fear in some...
Can EMDR Make You Feel Worse?
Some people thinking of embarking on EMDR treatment may be reticent at digging back into past trauma, wondering whether this may actually re-traumatize them and make them worse. Is there any truth to this? Is there any need to be afraid of EMDR therapy? The reality is...
Can EMDR Help With Addiction?
We have already covered how effective Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR can be in treating anxiety and phobias, but can EMDR be used to treat addiction as well? EMDR has been shown to be very effective in treating addiction, since it so often stems...
Trauma and Powerlessness
Powerlessness is often a feeling which accompanies traumatic experiences in life. For a number of reasons we can often feel helpless, powerless, weak and unable to fight back. How can trauma survivors deal with this? The first things is to acknowledge these feelings...
Is EMDR Really Effective?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR is becoming more and more popular as a form of treatment, but is it really effective or an overhyped form of therapy? The vast majority of research into the topic, as well as personal experience from therapists and...
Can EMDR Help With Phobias?
Phobias can be a another debilitating condition, where a person being exposed to, or even thinking about, certain things like spiders or flying can trigger a whole sequence of distressing mental states for them. Can EMDR help with this? EMDR can help resolve phobias,...
Visual and Audio Bilateral Stimulation Compared
A crucial component of EMDR is Bilateral Stimulation, which is where some kind of "back and forward" or "left and right" stimulation is produced either in audio or visually. The client usually either follows some kind of visual object with their eyes, or else has some...
What if Cognitive Therapy is Not Working For PTSD?
Some people do report that cognitive therapy or CBT can be ineffective, or at least very slow, in treating trauma or PTSD? Why is this the case and what alternatives might be available to overcome trauma in people's lives? The main reason cognitive therapy can...
Can EMDR Be Self Administered?
Much has been written about just how effective and fast acting Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR can be for treating trauma and other psychological disorders, but can it actually be self administered for those who cannot find or afford, or don't...
Can Eye Movements Treat Trauma?
It may seem like a ridiculous claim, but it has been claimed that eye movements can help us to heal our traumas. Which therapeutic paradigm does this kind of treatment fall under and is there any truth to this claim that eye movements can help process trauma? In...
Comparing Two Types of Meditation – Samatha and Vipassana
People who start to delve a little more deeply into mindfulness will discover that different terms are used for different kinds of meditation. In this article we will focus specifically on Samatha and Vipassana meditations. What are these meditations, what is the...
Why Is EMDR So Effective? The Ripple Effect Explained
The effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR in treating trauma is now well known. There is also growing evidence it can treat other conditions like depression and anxiety as well. But what is it specifically about EMDR that makes it such...
Accidentally Self Administering EMDR in a Video Game
Hear me out on this one. This may sound ridiculous, but I believe that racing around certain tracks in the modern Formula One video games has several times delivered for me therapeutic benefits that match exactly those described by clients undergoing formal Eye...