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EMDR & Anxiety
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Targeting Negative Cognitions with EMDR and A Short List of Examples
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) treatment is particularly beneficial for people struggling with traumatic memories or who have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). The therapy identifies a target image and a negative cognition as part of the...
Stress & Trauma
Why Does The Same Thing Keep Happening to Me?
This is a common pattern in some people's lives. Despite their best intentions, they find themselves repeating the same patterns over and over again in jobs, relationships or something else. They can see the cycle and the pattern but can't seem to break it. What...
When You Can’t Get Over The Past Try These Options
What can we do if we can't seem to let go of the past? Some people seem to be able to move on from bad experiences very quickly; others struggle for years to "get over" unpleasant life experiences. How can we truly move on from the past? Sometimes talking about the...
News & Updates
How Sexual Obsessions & Fetishes Develop & How to Treat Them
As a BetterHelp affiliate we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided. Sexual and porn obsessions can be debilitating and shame inducing for people who know they have these fixations but still lack awareness of how they...
How To Deal With The Fight or Flight Response
The fight-flight response is something we are all aware of and were taught about in school. It can be very distressing to experience and take us away from the present moment, but what ways are there to actually treat the fight or flight response? There are lots of...
When You Can’t Get Over The Past Try These Options
What can we do if we can't seem to let go of the past? Some people seem to be able to move on from bad experiences very quickly; others struggle for years to "get over" unpleasant life experiences. How can we truly move on from the past? Sometimes talking about the...
Can EMDR Bring Up Repressed Memories?
As a BetterHelp affiliate we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided. People thinking about seeking out EMDR therapy may wonder whether it has the potential to bring up repressed memories, which may elicit fear in some...
Can EMDR Make You Feel Worse?
Some people thinking of embarking on EMDR treatment may be reticent at digging back into past trauma, wondering whether this may actually re-traumatize them and make them worse. Is there any truth to this? Is there any need to be afraid of EMDR therapy? The reality is...
Can EMDR Help With Addiction?
We have already covered how effective Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR can be in treating anxiety and phobias, but can EMDR be used to treat addiction as well? EMDR has been shown to be very effective in treating addiction, since it so often stems...